Weekend Services

Sundays at 9:00am and 10:30am

New Series Starting This Sunday

This Sunday we are beginning a new series through 1 and 2 Samuel called He Brings Low and Exalts: How the LORD makes His glory known. The series will cover the themes of pride and humility before the LORD in Samuel, focusing on how the LORD responds to each in order that the glory of the LORD would be on display. The many facets of pride and humility will be on display as we look at Samuel, Saul, David, and others who show themselves to be humble at times and prideful at others. Ultimately this series will provide us with a picture of how rightly acknowledging God's glory is the source of holy humility. Along with our sermons  we will have five devotional readings that go along with the passage covered each week. We are encouraging the everyone to follow along in the daily devotionals, which can be found HERE.

Sunday Sermons

Our upcoming series on Samuel is focused on how the LORD makes his glory known through bringing low those who are prideful and exalting the humble. You can watch live each Sunday at 9 and 10:30am, or find the sermons here Monday morning.
Check out the latest Sunday morning sermon right here, join our live stream Sunday mornings,  or click on the button below to check out past Sunday services.

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When you join us on Sunday

Every Sunday we have inspiring services where we worship God through music, fellowship, and studying the Bible together. During both services we have Cornerstone Kids ministry for birth-5th grade and Sunday School for adults. At 10:30am we have Sunday School for 6th-8th grade students. Between services each week we have a time for connecting over coffee, snacks, and tea in our gym.